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Our Apps

Money tracker | Family wallet
Money tracker | Family wallet

Create personal and family wallets, add and edit categories, record and edit your expenses and income, and get advanced analytics.

You can add your friends or family and create shared wallets. Your data is secure and synchronized automatically between all your devices. For even greater security, you can use biometrics to log in to the app.

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Teleprompter Sufle – 4K video
Teleprompter Sufle – 4K video

Sufle helps you easily record videos for your social media. It supports maximum 4K video recording quality in various formats.

You can create an unlimited number of scenarios and record them on different devices. All your scripts are automatically synced to iCloud.

We have developed the most convenient text control interface. It allows you to customize the text while recording.

Download on the App Store
StoreCard Wallet
QR Wallet | Business cards

This application will help you store all discount cards and coupons on your device. Generate an Apple Wallet pass in just a few steps.

You can enter the code manually or scan it with your camera. Add a title and description. Change the background color of the card. Choose the code type and add to Wallet.

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